(Brain-derived-neurotrophic-factor) This compound promotes the survival of brain cells. It decreases as you age. If we want a sharp memory, crystal clear focus, and to use our intelligence at work, we need to keep this BDNF level high. Exercising 3 times a week, meditation, as well as patented ingredient, neurofactor™, which you’ll see below, have all been shown to increase BDNF.

For decades, scientists believed that new brain cells did not grow in adults. Recently, that has been proven wrong. You can grow new brain cells, particularly in the hippocampus. This area of the brain is vital to your motivation, learning, and memory. Physical exercise, learning new skills, and supplementation of natural compounds, like lion’s mane mushroom, have been shown to increase neurogenesis in the brain.

Do we have TWO brains? Scientists are now calling our gut… the second brain. The gut-brain axis is the bidirectional link between your gastrointestinal tract and your central nervous system. So your brain’s focus, memory, and processing speed are directly linked to your digestion! For that reason, if you desire better brain health, you MUST supplement your digestion with the appropriate enzymes and compounds.

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