50 Ways To Use Apple Cider Vinegar For Health And Home

If there is one product that could win the title for 'the best multi-tasker,' it's apple cider vinegar. 

Apple cider vinegar has so many benefits. It has been around since ancient times from the Romans to the Japanese. Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine even found it to be a fantastic healing and cleansing product. The benefits and uses of apple cider vinegar are endless. It can be used for everything from the common cold to infections, from digestive issue to allergies, from hair care to cleaning. 

The best part is that apple cider vinegar is easy to find at health food stores, regular grocery stores, apple farms and online. It is affordable and can last for a while (make sure to buy organic though!).

What can you use apple cider vinegar for in your life to benefit your health.? The better question is: what can you not use it for?

50 Ways To Supercharge Your Health And Home With Apple Cider Vinegar

Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar: Health And Weight Loss

Apple cider vinegar has so many health benefits, including improving your digestion, muscle health and energy. One of the benefits of apple cider vinegar is possible weight loss. Apple cider vinegar can help reduce your food intake and increase satiety as a benefit.

Let’s look at the various benefits and uses of apple cider vinegar for your health and weight loss.

  • Sore throat: who wants to be sick? The good news is that apple cider vinegar can benefit your sore throat. Combine 1 tsp apple cider vinegar, 1 tsp cayenne pepper, 3 tbsp of honey and a warm glass of water. The antibacterial properties of this mix can help your recovery.
  • Gas and constipation: apple cider vinegar can benefit your digestion, including gas and constipation. Dilute 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar in water or tea and drink it before a meal to stimulate your digestion.
  • Heartburn: apple cider vinegar can benefit your digestion, including heartburn. Dilute 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar in water and drink it if you feel heartburn coming.
  • Bad breath: apple cider vinegar can eliminate bad breath. Gargle for 10 seconds with water mixed with 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar.
  • Antifungal: one of the benefits of apple cider vinegar is fighting fungal infections. Apply apple cider vinegar topically to the affected area or soak the area in 1 part apple cider vinegar, 5 parts water for 30 minutes a day if possible.
  • Sore muscles: apple cider vinegar can reduce muscle soreness as a benefit. Mix 1 tbsp with water and drink it for pain relief.
  • Insulin sensitivity: apple cider vinegar can improve blood sugar levels as a benefit. Regularly taking apple cider vinegar may help keep blood sugar levels balanced.
  • Stuffy nose: if you use apple cider vinegar it can help you get over a cold and stuffy nose. A stuffy nose that won’t clear is the worst. Try sipping a cup of water mixed with apple cider vinegar – it will act as an antibacterial in your throat and may help decrease and break-up the mucus.
  • Lymph circulation: apple cider vinegar is great for your lymphatic system. Take daily for detox benefits and to help build immunity. ½ tablespoon mixed with some tea or lemon water every morning should do the trick.
  • Energy boost: apple cider vinegar is so beneficial, it can up your energy. Add a little to a fresh morning juice or smoothie (just a little, it packs a strong taste!).
  • Upset stomach: apple cider vinegar can benefit your digestion, including an upset stomach. Apple cider vinegar has antibiotic properties and pectin, which are soothing to the stomach. For a stomach-soothing cocktail combine: 2 tsp apple cider vinegar, 1 tbsp fresh ginger water, 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice, 8 ounces sparkling water and raw honey to taste. Take a swig in a glass of water when you start feeling unsettled or bloated.
  • Detox bath: apple cider vinegar can cleanse your body. Add 1 cup apple cider vinegar to your bath along with â…“-1 cup of Epsom salt and 5-10 drops essential oils. Adding sea salt, ginger and baking soda are also great options for further detoxification and relaxation.
  • Exercise fatigue: apple cider vinegar can help exercise fatigue as a benefit. Take a tablespoon apple cider vinegar in a cup of water after a workout to battle post-workout exhaustion. Lactic acid builds up in the body after a workout and causes fatigue. The amino acids in apple cider vinegar provide a perfect antidote.
  • Yeast infection: use apple cider vinegar to fight yeast. Add 1 ½ cups of apple cider vinegar to a bath and soak for 20 minutes.
  • Allergies: apple cider vinegar is great for those with allergies. Take 1 tbsp in water and 1 tbsp local organic raw honey daily to combat allergy season.
  • Cramping: apple cider vinegar helps cramps as a benefit. Rub directly on the area that is cramping for relief.  
  • Weight loss: use apple cider vinegar to help weight loss. The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar suppresses appetite and reduces water retention. Take ½ tbsp in some fresh lemon water every morning or before meals for best results.  
  • Alkalization: apple cider vinegar can alkalize your body. Regularly consuming apple cider vinegar can help your body maintain a healthy pH level. Disease cannot thrive in an alkaline environment!  
  • Detoxify liver: apple cider vinegar benefits your liver. Take 1-2 tsp in an 8 oz glass of water in the morning, followed by eating raw organic fruit and vegetables and lots of water throughout the day.
  • Candida: apple cider vinegar can fight candida. Apple cider vinegar is rich in enzymes that help the body combat candida. Take ½ tablespoon twice daily.  
  • Relieves gout: apple cider vinegar may relieve gout. Take 2-3 tbsp, 2-3 times every day.

Apple Cider Vinegar & Skincare And Beauty Uses

Apple cider vinegar has so many uses and benefits for your beauty routine. Apple cider vinegar can clear your skin, beautify your hair and deal with various skin problems.

Let’s look at the various uses of apple cider vinegar for your skin.

  • Dandruff: apple cider vinegar can be used against dandruff. Mix equal parts of water/vinegar in a spray. Us it after shampooing and let it sit for 15 minutes then rinse. Repeat every few days.
  • Foot and underarm odor: apple cider vinegar can be used against body odor. Pour apple cider vinegar on baby wipes. Store them in a plastic bag in your fridge and use them as needed.
  • Clear skin: apple cider vinegar can be used to beautify your skin. Soak a washcloth in apple cider vinegar and use it as a cleanser and a toner.
  • Sunburn: apple cider vinegar can be used against sunburn. Add 1-2 cups of apple cider vinegar to your bath and soak for 10 minutes.
  • Whiten teeth: apple cider vinegar can be used for a beautiful smile. Apply apple cider vinegar to your teeth and rinse.
  • Skin tags, moles, warts: apple cider vinegar can be used to remove skin problems. Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and apply it to the skin tag, mole, or wart overnight secured with medical tape. Use it until the issue is resolved.
  • Burns: apple cider vinegar can be used for burns. Apply apple cider vinegar on burns as soon as possible to stimulate healing.
  • Bruises: apple cider vinegar can be used if you have a bruise. Mix 1 cup of apple cider vinegar with 1 tsp of salt and use it as a compress.
  • Hair detangler: apple cider vinegar can be used to make your hair nicer. Mix in a spray bottle with 1 part water to 1 part apple cider vinegar and spritz on hair when combing.
  • Anti-itch: apple cider vinegar can be used against itching. If you’ve become the unfortunate enemy of a jellyfish or even poison ivy, some apple cider vinegar should do the trick to get rid of the itchiness. Simply apply directly to the skin and let it work its magic.
  • Facial toner: apple cider vinegar can be used to tone your face. Mix 1 tsp apple cider vinegar in a little water and apply to face with a cotton ball. Yes, the smell is strong, but it dissipates quickly and will improve your skin. Repeat daily for best results.
  • Shiney hair: apple cider vinegar can be used to make your hair shine. Rinse your hair in 1 part apple cider vinegar and 1 part water after shampooing for a great shine.
  • Hand and foot massage: apple cider vinegar can be used for massage. Rub on your hands and feet after a long day to relieve tired muscles.
  • Post-shaving treatment: apple cider vinegar can be used post-shaving. Mix apple cider vinegar and water 50/50 and apply it to your skin post-shaving.

Uses & Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar Around The Home

Apple cider vinegar can be used so many ways to benefit your home. You can use apple cider vinegar for cleaning, gardening, pet-care and cooking.

Let’s look at the various uses of apple cider vinegar in your home, kitchen and garden.

  • All-Purpose Cleaner: apple cider vinegar can be used as a cleaner. Mix 1 part water, 1 part apple cider vinegar and 2-3 drops of any essential oil in a spray bottle.
  • Odor remover: apple cider vinegar can be used to remove odor. Mix 1 part water and 1 part apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle and use it as needed.
  • Weed killer: apple cider vinegar can benefit your garden by killing weed. You can use apple cider vinegar as is or mixed with dish soap, lemon juice, salt and water as a weed killer.
  • Flea repellent: apple cider vinegar can be used against fleas on pets. Use it topically on dogs.
  • Stop cats/dogs from chewing on things: apple cider vinegar can be used to keep your furniture safe from pets. Most animals hate the smell of vinegar and will avoid chewing on cords, couches, etc. if you dab some apple cider vinegar on them once a week. If your dog pees in the house, clean it up with apple cider vinegar cleaner and they’ll never pee there again.
  • Wash fruits and veggies: apple cider vinegar can be used for cleaning your produce. Use apple cider vinegar to wash your veggies and fruits before you eat them. This is important to remove any pesticides or chemicals that may have been sprayed on them before they were harvested.   
  • Neutralize spices: apple cider vinegar can benefit your cooking accidents. When you’ve accidentally added one too many shakes of cayenne powder to your dinner, add 1 tsp apple cider vinegar at a time until the taste returns to where you want it!
  • Flytrap: apple cider vinegar can catch flies. Put some apple cider vinegar and a drop of dish soap in a bowl and set on the counter to attract and kill fruit flies.
  • Urine smell in clothes: apple cider vinegar can be used for laundry. Add ½ cup to the washing machine to get urine smell out of clothing.
  • Dish detergent: apple cider vinegar can be used for washing dishes. Can use in your dishwasher to help remove grease.
  • Condiment enhancer: apple cider vinegar can benefit your cooking adventures. Apple cider vinegar can liven up condiments like a rock star. Try adding a little to sauces, marinades and vinaigrettes. Mix apple cider vinegar with a little olive oil and fresh herbs for a simple topping for meat or salad. Mix with lemon juice for a great veggie dressing.
  • Mix with fruit juice: apple cider vinegar can benefits your fruit juices. Might seem a little strange pairing vinegar with fruit juice, but it is actually pretty good! Try mixing a small amount of apple cider vinegar into grape or a similar type of juice. It is an easy and tasty way to get a daily dose of apple cider vinegar.
  • Soups: apple cider vinegar can be used in your soups. Add a splash of apple cider vinegar to your soup for a little extra punch.
  • Baked goods: apple cider vinegar can benefit your baked goods. Add to baked goods to add an extra lift. Don’t worry, a small amount won’t be detected by the kids or the guests.  
  • Add to bone broth: apple cider vinegar can be used in bone broths. Mix a few spoonfuls into your bone broth to add a kick and some extra detox power.

Apple Cider Vinegar In Organifi Pure

One of the best ways to benefit from apple cider vinegar is by using and drinking Organifi Pure daily. Why? Knowing the benefits of apple cider vinegar, we have added a beneficial dose to Organifi Pure.

Pure can aid hydration, support your digestion and help your focus and memory. Along with apple cider vinegar, it contains countless powerful superfoods, including lion's mane mushroom, aloe vera, coffeeberry NeuroFactor, ginger, baobab powder, coconut water and supportive enzymes.

Organifi Pure tastes light and mildly sweet with a refreshing subtle tanginess.

Just mix it with a glass of water and you are ready to go. You may also add Pure to your juices, smoothies and other recipes. Use Pure regularly to notice the benefit from apple cider vinegar and other superfoods within a few weeks.

See, I told you apple cider vinegar is amazing with so many benefits and uses! Add it to all areas of your life to experience its health and cleansing benefits. Trust me, once you try it, you won't ever want to go without apple cider vinegar because of its great benefits and uses.

Do you know any other benefits of apple cider vinegar? How about other apple cider vinegar uses? What other multitasker healing superstars do you know? Share away in the comments below. We would love to hear from you.

And remember, we're in this together.

About The Author

Kat Gál is a professional holistic health writer who helps health, wellness and nutrition businesses to market their products and services through quality online content. She is also a Certified Holistic Health & Life Coach. Kat is a multi-passionate writer, world traveler, nomad, runner, and cat-person. She is a lifelong learner who lives outside of her comfort zones stretching her boundaries and discovering beauty around the world. Reach out if you are looking for amazing blog content at katgalwriter@gmail.com or at katgalwriter.com.

1 comment

Thanks so much for the useful news May God bless you all.

Valentina Mulokozi

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