Putting All The Pieces Of The Puzzle Together

Create a support system around you of people that lift you up, see you as the amazing person you are and want you to be happy. Why is this so important? How do you do it? How do you get rid of the energy vamps and fill your circle with high-vibin’ goodness?

Up until now you have enrolled people in what you don’t want. You get to learn how to fill up your cup first and that starts with doing things YOU love. You have to be willing to say YES to yourself and no to them.

To learn more, watch this video!

As the founder of PLAYOLOGY, Kai Dickens is the head PLAYOLOGIST, Executive Leadership Coach and Team Building Consultant.  He has over 15 years of experience in leadership development and brings a tremendous amount of knowledge in the areas of leadership presence and effectiveness, team building, millennial management, employee engagement and organizational culture. As the go to millennial expert, he is passionate about bridging the communication and cultural gap between executives, directors, owners and millennials. Using play as the vehicle for change, he has created a unique way of improving understanding, trust and communication between the generations and teams.

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