Reignite Your Self Love With These Easy Ideas

Hey there, beautiful.

Yes -  I’m talking to you.

Repeat after me: “I love you, [say your name].”

YOU ARE LOVED. No matter what.


Because true love all starts with SELF-LOVE.

“You have to love yourself because no amount of love from others is sufficient to fill the yearning that your soul requires from you.” - Dodinsky

Invigorate the way you love yourself this month with these 14 ways to renew your self love:

#1. Drink A Green Juice

  • Floods your body with vitamins and minerals
  • Provides a great, all-natural energy boost
  • If you are busy (or travel), consider using a green juice powder (like Organifi) - I use it while backpacking to stay healthy

#2. Soak In A Bath

  • Reduces stress levels
  • Draws out toxins
  • Balances your pH levels
  • Try this simple stress-reducing bath tonight for the ultimate self-loving and relaxing experience:

#3. Stretch

  • Releases tension and stress throughout your body
  • Improves your posture, which helps your spine have proper alignment, which relieves aches and pains!
  • Promotes blood circulation, which helps promote organ function and cell growth
    • Improves your overall health
  • Do this 5 Minute Yoga Routine

#4. Walk In Nature

  • Boosts Your Energy - A brisk walk boosts circulation and increases oxygen in your blood supply, which can make you feel more alert and alive
  • Increases Your Happiness - Being active releases endorphins, which help make you feel great and reduce stress
  • Reduces Your Risk Of Disease - Regular exercise (including walking) can reduce your risk of disease by up to 60% (heart disease, diabetes, cancer,  asthma, etc.)
  • Strengthens Your Heart - Walking raises your heart rate and gets your blood pumping – which is beneficial to your circulatory system and your heart
  • Tones Your Body - Walking will strengthen your legs and help tone your butt, calves, hamstrings and quads
  • Boosts Your Vitamin D - If you take a walk outside and are able to soak up the sun, you will also increase your vitamin D levels. This nutrient plays a big role in your immunity and bone health
  • Good For Your Brain - Walking has cognitive benefits, can help improve your memory and also enhance your creativity
  • Reduces Stress - Walking (especially outdoors) can help lower your cortisol level. It also gives you time to just BE (to move, breathe and think)

#5. Journal

  • A critical part to your overall wellness is feeling balanced, taken care of, happy and fulfilled
  • Letting out your thoughts and feelings is important in nurturing yourself
    • Acknowledge your emotions and “work through them” by expressing yourself in a journal
    • Release this energy - “getting it out of your head” can contribute to creating inner peace
  • Health benefits of journaling include:
    • Reduces anxiety
    • Reduces stress
    • Helps manage depression
    • Boosts the immune system
    • Manages the effects of trauma and illness

#6. Meditate

  • Thinking happy thoughts for 15 consecutive minutes a day can help keep you focused on positive emotions
  • The goal is to keep your mind from becoming distracted by focusing and thinking happy thoughts NONSTOP for a stretch of 10-15 minutes
  • Just 20 minutes of daily meditation can make you a much happier person overall!

#7. Read Something Inspirational

  • Helps you gain knowledge and wisdom
  • A 2009 study found that reading can reduce stress levels by up to 68%
  • Choose a book that interests you and that you can “get lost in”
  • Reading can help you understand yourself and others better and become more empathetic

#8. Make A Gratitude List

  • Strengthens your immunity
  • Gratitude is linked to optimism
  • Helps increase white blood cells that help fight disease
  • Creates peaceful and calm feelings
  • Reduces stress hormones
  • Can help improve the duration and quality of your sleep
  • Make a nightly list of things you are grateful for before going to bed each night
  • Has psychological benefits
  • Helps lower the risk of depression
  • Improves self esteem
  • Enhances mental resilience
  • Reduces toxic emotions such as greed, anger, envy and resentment

#9. Drink Water NOW

  • Keep it super simple and have 95% of what you drink throughout the day be WATER. The benefits are vast and water is essential in keeping your body functioning well!
  • Keeps you well hydrated, which can minimize phantom hunger and cravings (thirst can often be confused for hunger)
  • Tip: Buy a glass reusable water bottle and take it with you EVERYWHERE

#10. Eat Plant Based

  • Give your body a break from digesting meat by eating a plant based diet
  • Helps reduce inflammation in your body, which enhances your energy and vitality
  • Eat vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds and watch your energy soar!
  • Simple meal: my go-to dinner is to chop up fresh vegetables and dress them with olive oil, sea salt and pepper. Super easy to digest and tastes great!

#11. Learn Something NEW

  • Read, watch Youtube videos, constantly feed your mind with positive, uplifting and inspirational knowledge
  • Pick something you are curious about and LEARN more about it
    • Make sure to choose something you are passionate about and interested in - NOT something that you have to learn for work/school
    • Spend 15 minutes reading, watching, studying and learning about your chosen topic
    • Suggestion: the TED Youtube channel is a great place to start for excellent content

#12. Clear The Clutter In Your Life

  • Take inventory and purge any items that are not contributing to your health
    • Pantry: toss items that are processed, “low/reduced/fat free,” sugary beverages, frozen instant dinners, etc.
    • Scan for items that you easily overindulge in (candy, bagged snacks) and replace with healthy alternatives such as veggies and hummus or fresh fruit
    • Choose foods that boost your mood
  • Organize your personal space for optimal efficiency and functionality
    • Clear clutter off countertops and other surfaces
    • Organize your refrigerator and cupboards for easy access to items
    • Evaluate your closet and display your clothes in an appealing way:
      • Hang clothes light to dark
      • Create sections (pants, shirts, workout clothes, business clothes)

#13. Make A Mission

  • Create a clear intention for the week, such as:
    • “Engage in 30 minutes of physical activity 4 times this week”
    • “Drink 1 gallon of water per day”
    • Make it specific, personal and measurable!
  • Extra credit: make a vision board by cutting out photos and words about WHAT you want and what inspires you
    • Create a virtual vision board
    • Review your intentions and vision daily!

#14. MOVE Your Beautiful Body

  • Research has shown that sitting for too long increases your chance of getting a chronic disease!
  • Not getting enough exercise has also been linked to increased feelings of depression
    • Excessive sitting increases symptoms
    • Regular physical activity helps relieve symptoms of depression
  • Exercise increases the neurotransmitter anandamide (known as the “bliss compound”)
    • Gives you that happy and “high” feeling post workout
  • Set a reminder for EVERY hour to stand up, walk a  little, stretch, squat and simply move your body to get your blood flowing

So, go on and get loving yourself NOW by choosing ONE or more of these 14 ways that stands out to you the most.

And remember…

“Don’t forget to fall in love with yourself first.”  -  Carrie Bradshaw

No juicer? No problem! Organifi Green Juice is a carefully selected blend of 11 different superfoods including turmeric, spirulina, lemon, mint, moringa and more. It was formulated for busy women and men who are looking for a way to super boost their health and support their lifestyle without spending a lot of time or money in the kitchen. Try it today!

-This post contains affiliate links.

About The Author

Lindsay Sibson turned her lifelong dream of traveling the world into a reality when she first stepped on a plan in April of 2014. With the simple intention of learning more about this beautiful world, she stepped away from corporate America to explore an alternative lifestyle of long term international travel, volunteering, blogging and pursuing a blissfully happy and fulfilling way of life.

Lindsay documents her journey in hopes of empowering others to find their passion, reignite their spark and freshen their outlook on life. Connect with her on her website and follow her travels on Instagram (

Through her blog, Lindsay documents her journey in hopes of empowering others to find their passion, reignite their spark and freshen their outlook on life.

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