15 Substitutions that Leverage the Benefits of Lemon

The benefits of lemon are mostly well known: they’re rich in Vitamin C, great to boost the immune system and may even lower blood pressure.

We’re big fans of lemon benefits at Organifi because they provide the essential vitamins and minerals that citrus fruits have but with less sugar!

These tangy citrus treats could help you:

  • Get healthier skin with ascorbic acid that supports natural collagen production.
  • Fight oxidative stress with a hefty dose of antioxidants that tackle free-radicals.
  • Turn food into energy with thiamin and riboflavin.
  • Lower blood pressure.
  • Have a sharper mind (with flavonoids and antioxidants that support brain health!)
  • Lower cholesterol

The benefits of drinking lemon water (or the benefits of lemon by itself) may also help reset your body’s alkalinity and pH.

Human bodies are supposed to be slightly alkaline, with a pH of 7.4 on average. When pH is higher than 7, it is considered alkaline. Some research shows that cancer cells and other chronic diseases grow more rapidly in an acidic environment and that the Standard American Diet is too acidic.

Diets full of sugar and white carbs and fat are considered acidic, while naturally acidic foods like citrus fruits are believed to help balance the pH levels of the body, which for some may sound confusing. 

All you need to know is that the body self-regulates its own acidity and alkalinity very effectively and that the benefits of lemon only make things easier for it. We don’t need more reasons to love the benefits of lemon so let’s get into those substitutions you’re looking for:

15 Substitutions that Leverage the Benefits of Lemon

We’ve talked before about finding a healthy sugar substitute, so we thought before summer ends we should share a zesty roundup of tasty tips that use the benefits of lemon to make your recipes, parties, and home routines healthier. 

#1 Instead of Coffee Have Lemon Water 

Coffee is both delicious and addictive; that’s why you tend to get a headache when you haven’t had that good ole cup o’ Joe. Wake your body up, improve metabolic resting rate, and boost immunity with lemon water. 

Sub your cup of coffee squeezing half a lemon or one lime into a mug of warm water and drinking as soon as you wake up.  Spoiler alert: the benefits of lemon may help you lose weight! Lemon water for weight loss is one of our not-so-secret fitness weapons. 

#2 Drop Pasta Sauce for Lemon-Infused Dressing 

If you’re not making your Marinara sauce from scratch, chances are you’re picking a healthy(ish) one from the supermarket, which may still be chock-full of preservatives and hidden sugar! The benefits of lemon swoop in with a finger-licking recipe that you can whip up in minutes!

Drizzle half a tablespoon of garlic-infused EVO (to also get the benefits of olive oil) with lemon to taste, chopped parsley, cracked pepper, red chili flakes, and pink Himalayan salt. Bonus points if it's a healthy protein pasta.

#3 Make the Perfect Non-Sticky Rice Without Oil

The benefits of lemon get you that perfect fluffy rice! Add one tsp of lemon juice to the cooking water to get the desired clump-free texture.

#4 Forget Ranch Dressing with Lemon-Zest Hummus 

An excellent dairy-free ranch alternative is this easy hummus-lemon recipe: in the juice of one or two lemons whisk a tablespoon of hummus, add dill, oregano, salt, and cracked pepper to taste. Easy!

#5 Try Fat-Free Lemon Poached Fish

Fish is already a healthy fat, drop the butter and focus on the benefits of lemon by poaching the fish. Poached fish retains the moisture and texture of fish without diminishing the flavor! Poach at 165 and 180 degrees F (74 to 82 degrees C)

Our Recipe:
Use a white fish base like Tilapia, Cod, Mahi-Mahi, Flounder or Cod, and lay flat in a pan. Add a mix of vegetable broth and water to -barely- cover the fish, simmer (never boil!) and keep there until you can flake the fish comfortably with a fork.  
Finish mixing 2 cloves of crushed garlic, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of chopped parsley or cilantro, plus salt and pepper to taste.

#6 Cut the Sugar from Your Go-To Cocktail

For your Non-PG parties (and healthy me time) we recommend substituting your sugary umbrella cocktail or bourbon go-to drink for a tasty keto, low-carb, and sugar-free Vodka-tini like this one from Stay Snatched. Vodka has zero carbs when paired with club soda and the benefits of lemon you get a tasty drink that won’t kill your gym efforts.

#7 A Faux-Margarita (Low-Sugar Lime Mocktail)

If you’re ready to drop the alcohol (or want to cut back) this refreshing recipe by Healthy Little Peach is a margarita and tequila-inspired mocktail that uses lime, lemon, mint, water and agave to satisfy your craving and make you look fancy while at it. It’s a nice option to get the benefits of drinking lemon water.

#8 Make Your Own Lemon-Zest Guacamole

Just like that Marinara the store-bought Guacamole (even when fresh) has some preservatives and chemicals you and your liver can do without. Fortunately, we have a super quick recipe that you can make with what you probably already have at home.

Our Recipe:
Mash one ripe avocado with the juice of one medium-sized lime or half a lemon (about one tablespoon) and then add a tsp of freshly chopped cilantro, one tsp of garlic powder, a tsp of red pepper chili flakes, salt, and pepper to taste and mix! 
It’s that quick and easy! For an even healthier version sneak in a tbsp of Organifi Green Juice or try our Guacamole with a Twist.

#9 Party-Up with a Spicy Dip Featuring The Benefits of Lemon

All this talk about Guacamole got is in the mood for a party! And parties are awesome, but also a slippery slope straight to I-regret-everything land. We updated your favorite garlic and onion dip with an even healthier twist on Tzatziki.

Our Recipe:
Peel and seed one large cucumber, grate into a bowl and add ¼ cup of fat-free plain Greek Yogurt (or plain tofu spread if you’re vegan), add one clove of minced garlic, one tsp of freshly chopped dill, one tbsp of parsley, and two tablespoons of lime juice. 
The zesty lemon benefits your immune system while the cucumber helps you fight belly bloat. Salt and pepper to taste. Avoid oil to keep it super low-fat!

#10 Try a Creamy Lemon-Based Salad Dressing

If you have a little more time on your hands this creamy vegan lemon salad dressing, from Dianne’s Vegan Kitchen, uses a cashew base and adds the benefits of apple cider vinegar to the lemon benefits we’ve been talking about. Also, it’s extra tasty!

#11 Update Your Old Vinaigrette

Variety is the key to life, too much of the same thing and it gets really dull. Salads have a bad rap for supposedly lacking taste. This recipe will change that!

Our Recipe:
To get the benefits of lemon start with a lime or lemon juice base (3 to 4 tablespoons) and add one clove of minced garlic, ½ a teaspoon of coconut sugar, ½ a teaspoon of pink Himalayan or sea salt, ⅛ teaspoon of cumin, ⅛ teaspoon of ground coriander and one heaping tablespoon of fresh cilantro. Stir and top with only one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil  - drizzle and weep. Just kidding, it’s satisfied smiles only.

#12 Try Glow Lemonade Popsicles

Summer’s almost over, but your need for refreshment isn’t. Our Glow Lemonade adds twelve collagen-boosting ingredients to the benefits of drinking lemon water. It has aloe vera, rosehips, bamboo silica, tremella mushroom, Camu Camu, amla (aka Indian gooseberry,) pomegranate, raspberries, monk fruit, pink Himalayan salt,  baobab fruit, and coconut water to help repair and rejuvenate skin, hair, and nails. 

Our Recipe:
Whisk one serving of Organifi Glow to an 8 Oz glass of water and pour into a mold, add thin lemon slices and fresh raspberries to highlight its pink lemonade flavor. Freeze and enjoy. Repeat as many times as popsicles you want!

#13 Make a DIY Lemon-Sugar Lip Scrub

The benefits of lemon are not limited to what you eat and drink; it’s a great beauty product if used carefully. Mix half a tablespoon of lemon juice with one tablespoon of brown sugar until you get a granulated mix. Rub on your lips to exfoliate. Add half a tablespoon of coconut oil for a milder scrub.

Important! If you have chapped lips with cracks or cuts, do not try this. Always rinse thoroughly lime or lemon juice off your skin and hair if you’re going to be exposed to sunlight afterward.

#14 DIY Lemon Zero-Waste Face Toner 

Lemon benefits are also available in essential oils, drop 3 to 4 drops of lemon essential oil and 2 to 3 drops of tea tree oil in 6 to 8 Oz of distilled water to create an all-natural face toner at home. Keep it zero waste with reusable bamboo face pads.

#15 Give Your Microwave The Benefits of Lemon

The inside of a microwave can be a scary place, avoid harmful toxins and chemicals to give your liver a break with this simple formula. Juice one lemon into half a bowl of water and microwave three to four minutes on medium. Add the lemon rinds for a brighter smell.

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