The Courage To Be Vulnerable

Today, I wanna talk to you about my favorite word. VULNERABILITY. In fact, it’s the word I chose on repeat for 3 New Years in a row because I was determined to learn how to FULLY own this like a boss!

How are you doin’ on the vulnerability train these days?

No judgement. We don’t do that here. But this is a question that deserves your attention!



 Are you seeking more intimacy? Courage? Clarity? Creativity? You can’t get to any of these destinations without vulnerability. Vulnerability is the path to creating more of the feelings and experiences you desire.

How many times have you wanted to speak up only to silence yourself for fear you might not be taken seriously? Or be judged? Or be laughed at? Or be made to feel like your ideas are silly?

This is your invitation to speak up anyway!

When it feels scary, lean in.

Because guess what begins to happen when you choose to stand courageously in vulnerability instead of staying small.

The Universe conspires in your favor bringing you people and experiences that actually feel GOOD and aligned!

Often that means getting out of your own way. It means standing convicted in your truth, regardless of the potential outcome. It means deciding that you are willing to risk what other people think to stay true to yourself.

You are here on this planet to BE YOU. One of my favorite writers says it best:

Let go of all the people you’re trying to become and love who you are. Your mission was never about being like anyone else, but finding the hole in this world that fits your shape and diving in. - Thug Unicorn

If you are someone that tends to bottle things up and let them fester. This dose of inspiration is especially for you!

I am a big fan of Brene Brown - hopefully you’re familiar with her.

She talks a lot about shame and vulnerability.

Something I love in her research is that vulnerability is actually rooted in connection. And connection is why we are here. But in her research of hundreds of people it showed that those that felt most connected had a few things in common:

  1. They had a strong sense of love and belonging
  2. They believed they were worthy of love and belonging
  3. They were whole-hearted people living from a deep sense of worthiness
  4. They had the courage to be imperfect
  5. They had the compassion to be kind to themselves first and then to others
  6. They were willing to let go of who they thought they should be to be who they truly were
  7. They believed that what made them vulnerable made them beautiful

Now here’s something that was a bit of an aha moment for me in her work, The Power of Vulnerability. YOU CANNOT SELECTIVELY NUMB EMOTIONS.

What does this have to do with vulnerability? Everything!

  • When you numb with the intention of one emotion, you numb the others as well
  • When you numb the bad, you numb the good too - joy, happiness, etc.
  • So essentially, when you numb what you don’t want to feel - say with food, substances, overspending, or any other of the addictions our society is plagued by - you numb your ability to truly BE SEEN for WHO YOU ARE in ALL of your glory.

Thus, you rob the world of your light and the very reason you are here in the first place - to be you!

You are not here to be perfect and fit into a little box - life is not a plug and play model!

To let ourselves be deeply seen is such a gift. In doing so we give others permission to show up as themselves as well. What if our world could be a bunch of people walking around being awesome and weird and quirky and literally giving zero craps about what others thought?

I believe it can be. And it starts with all of us setting an example of the possibility of a life well lived from a space of vulnerability, authenticity, integrity and alignment.

My invitation to you is this:

Love with your whole heart even though there are no guarantees

Practice gratitude and joy in the moments of terror and uncertainty

Remember that to open yourself up and feel this vulnerable means you are alive.

You are enough as you are.

As Brene Brown says, “You are imperfect and wired for struggle and worthy of love and belonging.”

It’s time to stand tall in your courage and trust that everything unfolds in perfect order, in perfect timing.


Sheree Trask is a Conscious Content Creator, seasoned Ghostwriter and the Founder & Host of the unfiltered podcast, Soulfcked. As a woman with many interests, she’s also Certified as a Yoga Instructor and Holistic Health Coach, and carries a fierce determination to create space for everyone to be truly seen and heard, as they are. She’s spent 14 years studying the mind-body connection and empowering women to feel safe in their body’s.

With a knack for words, a passion for empowering others to take ownership of their life and a wild conviction for growth and expansion, Sheree is on a mission to help transform the hearts and minds of humanity so that together, we can raise the collective consciousness of our world and truly be free to live unapologetically out loud.

She is currently writing her first book.


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